Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tough Mudder race

This past weekend my apartment mates and I took part in the Tough Mudder race ( at Bear Valley Ski Resort in Northern California.  Tough Mudder is a 7 mile run up and down a ski mountain with 19 different obstacles mixed in throughout the race.  Some of the obstacles include running up the halfpipe while snow blowers are blowing cold mist in your face, running through a mud pit, climbing over horizontal hanging logs that are 8 feet off the ground, and carrying a log 200 yards.  All in all the obstacles were not hard, but what was hard was running to an obstacle, doing it, and then running to the next one.  We didn't take any breaks and finished the course in 1 hour and 33 minutes.  I think our speed was directly correlated with the 18 Rabbits Haute Diggity Date Bars we all ate before the race.  We called ourselves The Lazy Lizards after a very relaxed bulldog we saw one Saturday morning at the farmers market at the Ferry Building in San Francisco.  This dog way sprawled out in its owners arms with one eye opened and my roommate Kyle said, "That dog sure looks relaxed." and the owner responded, "Yep, he's a real lazy lizard..."  It was that relaxed bull dog that inspired us to go run 7 miles up and down a ski mountain with various obstacles.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations guys, really want to do one next year, I am also signed up for the Spartan Race
